8000 dead humans.
Dead. Lost forever.
Some of them were friends of mine. Some not. In the end it doesn’t matter.
They have killed them. Left them behind.
I’m not a Cylon. At least I think so. Maybe I am a Cylon… I wish it would be so. I can just… hope it.
I still can hear Baltar’s voice in my mind “Take this traitor, throw him out of the airlock, and shoot him before as long as you are really sure he’s destroyed. We don’t know what’s needed to destroy these toasters.”
But I’ve escaped… silly them. I’m one of the best technicians of the whole fleet.
As I have arrived under the Cylons, I was welcomed by a woman, which looked exactly like my love. With a warm smile. I felt… relieved. I felt like finally coming home.
Priestess’s draw phase is over. Priestess, where would you like to move? You can go to any of the three main cylon locations, or you can go to the Basestar Bridge on the Cylon Fleet board.
Priestess looks at the top two cards of the crisis deck. She will choose one to play this round and one to put at the very bottom of the crisis deck, likely never to be seen again.
oh, apparently i was only supposed to add stuff to the cylon fleet board (and advance the pursuit track) when there are no corresponding ships of that type on Battlestar.
I’m not going to retcon the first turn, but from now on, crisis cards will only add ships to the cylon fleet board and increase the pursuit track if there are no corresponding ships of the most powerful type (either raiders or basestars) listed on that crisis card, on galactica. So this turn, the crisis card will not affect the cylon fleet because there is a basestar and raiders in Galactica airspace, but that many cylon ships will be able to move or attack depending on what is listed on the card, pass or fail.
you know how there’s some cylon ship icons on the bottom left corner of the crisis cards?
That indicates the type and number of cylon ships that are are able to move or attack this turn.
If there are 0 of the cylon ships listed on the crisis card currently present on galactica, those ships will be added to a spot on the cylon fleet board and the pursuit track will go up one. The pursuit track is not supposed to go up every turn; it won’t go up again until a few cylon ships are destroyed.
Priestess has chosen one crisis card seen on Caprica to play now and one to put at the bottom of the crisis deck. The latter will not be publicly revealed.