(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

It is I, DIO


this isn’t enough to remove shurian from the poe at this point unfortunately
however he is at the bottom of this five atm imo

The most important thing atp is making sure PoE is airtight.
If we can correctly clear one player it’s basically smooth sailing for the rest of the game
In the context of Shurian, they technically can still have reasons for not doing certain actions


My biggest contention with their slot is them being tonally complacent when shit was going down near EoD2.
Like their energy was completely different than the panicked one of everyone else

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Is it worse to be there but be complacent, or not to be there at all and not care about the nominations before?

there both bad
the latter could be unlucky forced inactivity
the former, like what
did you not process what was about to happen
or did you not care, as scum

I feel like wolves had no reason to be complacent there, though? It wasn’t a Vortox game, and they would know who the Demon is. Not doing anything just puts them on the spot.

everyone that is not a part of this five, geyde and I deem to be mechanically cleared for some reason or another
i ask that you trust us for now.

I do. I’m not sure why I should trust Geyde, but I trust you, so I suppose a friend of a friend is my friend.

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geyde can be trusted with everything
that’s why he’s now my prophet, as i said

But is he a c o n f i r m e d n e u t r a l f r u i t v e n d o r?

oh god not again

A what?
Watch me die to a witch

Or whatever the class that causes death upon nomination or whatsies

Also I didn’t have enough info to run that it was Vortex (until I met someone and I went “ah fuck, it’s not Vigor”)

I wasn’t that ready to be like “nah dont trust your info”



Nominations are (somewhat belatedly) open! All living players may nominate others for execution. Nominations will close in 12 hours.

/vote to exile DatBird

/nominate DirectorHail

DatBird has already been exiled

@Vulgard has nominated @DirectorHail ! Vul may provide an accusation and then Hail may provide a defense.