(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Nom Italy

I can also nom Italy since lol witching the Traveler.

We get 4 executions if we dodge Witch every day. (9 alive, 7, 5, 3)

PoE is already fairly thin

If we avoid witch(or just force noms only from PoE)

Game should be won

And I want to do something

/whisper directorhail

@DirectorHail acc this

As soon as you come online
Or fucking else

Also I tinfoil that Marshal is Cerenovus who knew N. would break madness to end day.

I have an idea of who cerenovous is

And no

It’s not me

/nominate Italy @Arete @Tangeld

Things getting intense here where I am. We are preparing for a 4 week quarantine. People I know from DC and the DoD say they are preparing for possible mass quarantines and stuff. They are closing events to the public and the school cancelled all non-comp/non essential field trips

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@Universal has nominated @Italy! Universal may provide an accusation and then Italy may provide a defense.

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My grandparents can’t go on this cruise they were planning because they are over 70

It’s getting pretty tense

Actually mildly plausible theory

But not them being cerenovus
They theoretically could be demon given the slightly awkward way they handled voting near EoD2
But of course it’s a stretch since obv

My accusation: Italy is being nominated because Marshal, Geyde, and N.1 told me to

My defense: N.1 is claiming to have reason to think i’m scum but isn’t saying why.
I demand reasoning if you’re going to push me

Okay look I wasn’t on late last night and then I slept, what’s on your mind?
/Accept @Marshal

traveler does not count towards delaying evil wincon, so no.

I’m being counted in votes to execute so I assumed I was

marshal is not scum
please look back at his inate terror at EoD2 if you’ve forgotten about that.