(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

ohh right my b, I get what you mean dude.

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the “him” in question is ur neighbor

you are hail’s neighbor lol

I said that’s a way that Hail (your neighbor) could have known Snake Charmer was in play if he was evil.

seruouslt italy and magnus r a meme rn

No one specified that the him was Hail.

Anyway nah, I ain’t whispered shit to Hail.

if he ain’t scum he’s pretty fucking bad at town
if you claim to have any form of proof that someone is scum
you actually prove it

Only people I’ve properly talked to were N.1 and Magnus.

If it helps I have proof

But guess who’s not getting told

Not when you’re confirmed town. There’s no point in revealing anything publicly where evils can glean info from it.

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you will not get the chance to defend yourself
that is not a right in this town

PoE mostly
Plus of the players left in that PoE, you were the only one that I’d think would make the actions they have done

But do you really think someone keeps something so vague unless they are baiting a response from you?

let me guess
your reasoning is either that i wasn’t there for EoD because i was with my family which i consider more important than a text game
or you’re a fucking asshole playing the guessing game

not by a long shot, i’m afraid

Just say it

Eh I think it’s best if we keep the reason from scum for WiFoM purposes

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I don’t want to turn people off from this game for no reason.

so you are bullshitting
got it