(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I still think he’s town for reactiontest and snake charmer PoV

Like no offense to hail but I just don’t think he is… advanced enough to fake things like he did

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Very likely so yes

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want me to out publicly @N.1

because I’m getting sick of this.

you claimed you already did before
and i literally could not care less
whether you do so or not, you cannot clear yourself from the PoE in any way whatsoever.

I only claimed to you.

I softed my claim, yes.

Anyway, I’m getting sick and tired of you at this point.
Your aggressiveness this game doesn’t sit well with me and that’s coming from a toxic player.

i love this game and im willing to go to extreme lengths to win
im sorry if you feel more hurt by my tone this game than most others have thus far.

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Only got 5 minutes so I’ll say what I can.
The reason I vanished is because I’m in school and my English teacher doesn’t allow inappropriate ipad use, currently in endeavour and about to watch a movie. Since out of game information isn’t allowed I can only ask @Magnus to support this claim but I imagine only he can say so much aswell.

So did u just not submit an action each night hail?

You don’t need to tell people that lol.

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When I said I took no action I meant I didn’t target anyone other than myself.
Considering snake charmer must target someone else or themselves, a no action would default to a self target.

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I understand my wording was poor and what I said came across as scumlean. However this is the most honest explanation I can give and if you want to sus me more there’s nothing I can do.

again, this isn’t enough.
But the fact that you haven’t openwolfed does move you down in likelihood of being the lynch target today.
Again, everything is up to @Geyde.

Look I’m just saying you don’t need to constantly be an ass and giving off negative tension during a game.
I get it’s hypocritical and all but still, wouldn’t expect it from ya.

all it is is me having accepted the fact that talking this way is an effective way to make scum slip up, either socially, mechanically, or both.

Again, i’m sorry if I’ve hurt you in any any this game.

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Is anything I say ever going to be enough? Let me take you through my thought processes when posting earlier. I assumed that a self target resulted in nothing, basically a no action, let’s be honest what’s the difference? I used the term No Action to imply I didn’t use my ability on anyone but myself, since I don’t want to be demon, I’ve always been a town person.

Nah you haven’t. It’s a game after all, it’s just OOC for you.

Anyway, let’s get off this topic. I physically can’t get myself out of PoE as you said, and knowing my luck I can’t defend myself in any way, so uhh, yeah.

But one thing I can say is that, you surely don’t think I’m demon though, right?

No, nothing you say could possibly be enough.
Everyone that is not in this five have cleared themselves in ways that are entirely impossible for anyone within this five to do today.

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You are not clear from the Demon PoE either Wazza; sorry to say.


Although I do want to say one thing and that is that I did say DatBird was scum, even if my evidence to think that was incorrect.

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