(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

  1. I haven’t read up on classes mate.
  2. I thought Dat was scum based on my info, as stated.
  3. What do you mean?

Because I dint know it was a vortox game nor did I read up on classes. I thought my info was calling Dat scum as I have also stated so many times.

Also, I’ve said this D2 and D3, the post you LITERALLY liked. What the fuck do you want from me?

Italy mechanically must be scum @Geyde, unlike everyone else in the PoE, even though he isn’t the demon
I would like him to die today, just for security’s sake
If wazza really is town, we are utterly crippled.

want me to yes italy as well then?

Yes please

/vote yes on italy"

@Tangeld @Arete

fat bruh momento

i dont wanna have another yesterday

let’s start voting people

And making votesniping a 0% possibility

/no on wazza, yes on italy

If you really are town and you survive today, use your ability tonight or openwolf.

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i’ve sorta-kinda locked in my wazza vote

i shouldn’t be trusted with #1

but italy is a good exe 4 today and if we pile it shouldn’t matter

Same with @DirectorHail

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Also same with @Universal

All three of you claim once per game abilities.

hail is snake charmer claim


p sure that’s every night

Ignore this @Wazza
But still give info tomorrow if you live
You are not a once per game ability claim
But Uni is
And well hail if you don’t finally act tonight, you will be openwolfing.

/whisper Marshal

