(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

then ponder this

how does it feel being caught

if i make it to tomorrow i will become sweetheart just to spite you

how exactly do you envision this happening?

plot armor

like will someone just at the last minute be like “oh yeah im mad”

ok now this i can see

bastard second mutant will appear and out to avoid my death
that’s how plot armor works

1 minute left :eyes:

this EoD is way more relaxing

no verge of tears this time

I’m actually mutan–

only for those tears to get sucked back in by n



lul jk



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Tan finished counting the votes as her smile grew wider and wider. By the last ballot, she was positively beaming. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time… Italy shall be executed!”

Italy simply narrowed his eyes at Tan. “You’re enjoying this too much.”

“Why wouldn’t I be? I’ve got something special in mind for you…” As Tan spoke, she pointed toward the bluffs outside of town.



“Tan, no!”

“Tan, YES! You’re gonna fly, Italy!”

An hour later, Italy found himself at the edge of town, lying in the grass with a rope tied around his ankles as Tan finished tying knots.

“We’re really bringing this back, aren’t we?”

“What do you mean, ‘bringing it back’? You act like this is a regular thing.”

“Don’t play games with me, Tan. I definitely remember this whole thing happening before. I asked if you were gonna use the trebuchet again, you said ‘no, we’re using a catapult’, but I’m clearly tied to a trebuchet, and then a giant catapult you buried in the ground flings me and this trebuchet into the ocean. The joke’s been done before.”

“…Okay, that was what I was gonna do, but I’m still calling shenanigans on you claiming to have had this happen before. You probably just saw me test-firing the catapult last night.”

“No, Tan, face it. You ran out of ideas, tried to reuse the same bit, and got caught. Back it up and figure out another way to do this whole thing.”

“You want me to back it up? Fine.” Tan spun her fingers in the air to emphasize that last remark before untying Italy.

“Alright, I can see you’re out of ideas. How about you let me come up with how I die?”

Tan shrugged. “Go ahead, impress me.”

Italy smiled. “Okay, well, I was thinking we start with me-“

CRUNCH The giant boulder that Italy had failed to notice rising from the water and flying back toward the shore now crushed him and the trebuchet as it landed back on the bluffs, directly above the bucket of the catapult from which Tan had fired it last night.

“You want me to back things up, Italy, I will. And never interrupt my storytelling.”

Italy has been executed and night falls. Please send in your Night 4 actions if you have any.


Night 4 will end in 24 hours, at 2020-03-11T01:43:00Z, or earlier if all actions have been submitted.

Tangeld yawned as she drifted into the town square. The citizens had already assembled.

“So who didn’t survive the night this time round?” The crowd parted to reveal the ghost of Geyde, sulking slightly.

Arete cleared their throat. “That’s the second time now that we’ve had one of our new arrivals die immediately, Tan. Maybe it’s time we put in the Angel?”

“Arete, hush. Keep your Western religions out of our demon hunting.”

“…But isn’t that in and of itself a concept of Western religions?”

“I said hush! If we add any Fabled, it’s gonna be the Buddhist. Or maybe Hell’s Librarian, if people can’t remember how to be civil. Now then, shall we kick things off?”

Geyde has died in the night, and Day 4 has begun. The nomination phase will open in twelve hours.

For the folks at home, that’s 2020-03-12T13:50:00Z

not shocking


rezults plz

Marshal and N.1 are not the same alignment