(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Joking ofc

/whisper Marshal

i was about to say

with vortox that would make sense but also i’d beat u up for that check

also sorry but n doesn’t want me whispering PoE and imma have to oblige here

Marshal just accept


I need a consult



@N.1 come out

@Marshal /whisper

i feel like i’ve said all i need to say

just tell N what you have
he can say all the same things i have and probably guide what we should do better since conftown

It’s about continuing the discussion about the thing

Hey, you remembered that you have to redeclare the whisper! Nice one! I’d give you a cookie, but that’s some other thread’s thing.

I didn’t know it was the thing


that’s public information

i highly suggest you read all the thread you missed

Mate that’s like 99% of it

and you weren’t aware it was vortox?

Yes. I saw the word Vortox go around for a bit but I never paid much attention

eh just feed your info to N

he’ll decide what to do and help you

I think N.1 brought it up since he was so worried that we’ll lose game because of Vortox

But does that mean I have bad info?