(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I can’t even look at this without cringing.


Cuz I made a spelling error?

Magnus, gee god this statement alone annoys me. Plz for the love of god do not claim that stuff. Ur making me cringe

Marshal refused to claim back to me.
And three people already know my claim.
Maybe I should claim.
After all, sanity is overrated.

No. No you shouldnt. Especially if ur high priority

Like I kinda get whisper king, but even then that has problems, but claiming to people almost immediatly is spreading word to people we dont even know almost anything about this slot. Its just assinine

I said I might not

u whispered 2 people and aren’t acting townie

And so I’m not risking it

Well, that clears Datbird and Apprentice in my book.

I’m not whisperking.
I just like to know my neighbours, and they should know me.

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Magnus what if ur neighbors are evil?

Yet if someone claims a strong class, and every class is unique, and you have lots of claims, that should make me clear unless something new comes along.

Wait evo and hail r his neighbors


Magnus ur fine

They aren’t.
Because I know who they are.

Don’t believe ya.
This is completely scummy in my book.

demon is given fake claims. ST may have left out a stronger role

Ok whatever im not gonna fight with you. I got dinner to eat

I’d think for a second abt what I mean

well, bit of a different tack.
ill propose that, for d1, everyone announce that they’re going off to talk with the ST

I have, and I don’t believe ya.
You haven’t said anything about me whispering Wazza, either.
