(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

oofers, few of me buds go that. One I think has gotten a record of four hours in one week

do u not wanna do the setup? If so I can focus on others?

no i really do, desperately
after i get some sleep, we’ll work
i promise

ok, we mainly need to just write it out. Most of the ideas are pretty much set

this post was in regards to pinging me in all of your posts u fool
not our setup

I more meant whenever I used ur name. Im not gonna be annoying bout it

@Geyde ur welcome bucko

Ehhh im bored where are people

Ok what if we nominate a ghost what happens. I want to be sent to double hell

you stay dead
Unless you’re the Zombuul
in which case you die for real (and were actually secretly still alive after the first one)

yeah but whats double hell like. Does arete give double the hugs

you do not get to descend any further
you have to stay right where you are within the fiery gates

hmmmm whos alive that can nom me

does nothing unless ur the zombuul

as I already said

Yes but i want double hell

you don’t get it in this game’s lore
you just stay just as dead as you were before

Nah I just double checked. Definitely happens. I need it

@Tangeld and @Arete could u update op with a whos alive list. Need to know who to ping

My wincon has officially changed. Double Hell time