(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

/Accept Magnus

Until I understand shit I won’t say

what dont u understand?

wrapping my mind around what I should do with my role, and what to focus on

Hmmm, I cant really help ya there without knowing it, but even then never played this setup so I prob couldnt help ya. Ask Tan and Arete for a tip or ask questions about it. Best way to go about learning more

Like I know the role of DatBird

Which is helpful

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Are we allowed to discuss the happenings in a whisper or no?

No specific formatting is required if claiming to visit Storyteller during the day, only that the intention of the player is made clear.

as long as it aint a quote or directly copied pasted. i think paraphrasing is fine, but again check with hosts first as whisper games are all different

so is the beggar a town?

LIke what is his wincon since he is a traveler?

Ah I read where we don’t know whether travelers are good or not

Travelers have the wincon of their alignment, be that Good or Evil.

bet. aight folks off to visit the ST like the savant i totally am


like was i not clear enough that we’re doing savant cover? everyone should go off to the ST like that once per day

or at least for day 1

savant already outed nerd

a savant already outed.

apparently so did i.
as did two others

in particular i think n1 is just mad