(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

By the way, that choice of mine led to one of the funniest moments in all of BotF 1: The Monk whispering the Imp with the Washerwoman info, claiming that they knew that the Imp’s character ended in the letter “R”, and myself tabbing back to the Grimoire in what felt like slow motion to realize that I had given the Imp Soldier as a bluff. I watched the Imp go “Oh yeah, that checks out, I’m the Soldier” and just couldn’t stop laughing.

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You also weren’t the starting Imp that game, Shuri; You started as the Scarlet Woman. I was talking about Magnus.

Gotta admit my “play” was genious

So thats how Soldier claim to be

Too bad some claims seppuku’d

Yeah, Spy just claimed Soldier because they knew it wasn’t in play. To this day, I don’t know why the Spy, who has all of the info of the game at their fingertips, declined to claim either of the information-gathering characters that were out of play (the Invest or the Chef).

I couldn’t be on earlier today sorry.

Ok I’ll catch up on all of what you said at some point @Shurian but the gist of it is. If you’re the demon we win. If you’re not the demon, we have a very high likelihood of solving the game tomorrow based on the fact that it’s not you if you give me your dead vote. When we know your alignment for sure this game should be pretty wrapped up. If we choose to kill someone else then we leave a lot more up to chance if we guess incorrectly.

Also if you want reasons why people are suspicious of you I see no benefit in hiding them. It’s mainly because you were whispered by DatBird (not that big of a deal tbh) but more so that you whispered Italy (who is confirmed scum at this point) at the start of the day after EVO was modconfirmed good. Would you mind saying why you did that? But if you’re good there really isn’t all that much to be concerned about. Us killing you today if your good just sets us up to win tomorrow.

In summary, I’m not fully convinced you’re evil but I am fully convinced that executing you today is the right play.

I did whisper Italy but then again I was confused and was asking him of the night kill, afaik he was the most experienced player out of the rest of you.

And I didn’t really care whether or not he was scum at that point because I really had lack of information and having received 1 dead player as my info I was extremely “???”

As for Datbird I cant remember at all for the time being imma get back to u guys
All I know is I didnt talk to him in a whisper afaik

I suppose so
I hope you’re right about that.

Personally now with the explanation… I’m not too convinced, but I’d guess I’ll follow if it does help whittle down the possibilities.

/vote yes on myself

Afterall, the win con for us is to find the demon, and not let the evils reach the final remaining two players.

Also @N.1 I do know that you are trying to prevent information leaks and what-not, but it is extremely frustrating to play against someone who just says “you’re scum lol” without any reasoning. Sure, I do acknowledge the fact that it’s satisfying to deny information for actual scum, but in the chance that you’re wrong (in which case this wasn’t based on mech info but PoE-oriented), it’s really not fun to play against.

Just saying. No offence to you, you’ve been doing well in denying scum (whoever they are) info… unless you’re scum, which then you’re doing an incredible job (and the demon [Vortox] too for killing you).

I say this with an uncertainty. I honestly don’t know how good their plan is, but it better be a good one to actually kill off a town like me. (Well, I can dead vote anyway)

/execute Shurian

Village MVP right there.

In b4 they’re all evil and just laughing

Also I just realised N1 is Maxwell >_>
I thought N1 was a new player LOL

I could be Throwing Town too


Yes but I did also.

Look where that lead us.

realistically i want 5 votes on shu shu and none on uni to prevent any form of tie-forcing and to keep N on snipe duty just in case

/vote yes on shuri

/vote no on uni

does not look like gamestate will change much and so i think the best i can do here is to corrall to prevent vortox win shenanigans

I’m town MVP.

Vulgard has revealed as Innocent Child!

thank you vulgard