(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Do not break this whisper before EoD.



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oh man 8 minutes left. How r yall

horny wbu qt

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hungry, eaten some minute ramen

Ok I will let yall decide with 3 minutes left. What game do i play
New Gran Blue Fighting Game
Re2 Remake
or Sekiro

play re2

ok will do

GG yall


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The sun was lowering on Ravenswood Bluff as Tan finished counting the day’s votes. “Well, folks, the count was close, but it looks like Shurian is going down today.”

Shurian sighed. “It always falls to me when people are running out of leads. Very well, do what you will, but I insist that this is a mistake.”

“Did someone say steak?”

Tan facepalmed. “No, Universal, we said stake. I don’t blame you for being confused, though, this one will be well-done.”

As the sun was setting, Shurian was brought once again before the citizens of Ravenswood Bluff, fastened atop a pyre as Tan struck the flame.

“Any last requests, Shurian?”

“When you apologize, make it loud enough that I can hear you over the fire.”

Shurian made no sound as the flames consumed him. The citizens of Ravenswood Bluff simply watched, unsure of what to make of the display.

“I didn’t know Shuri was French.”

“Of course he is, why do you think he calls himself ‘durian’?”

“…That’s not a French word, though.”

Shurian has been executed and night falls. Please send in your Night 5 actions if you have any.

Flavor by Tan.
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Night 5 will end by 2020-03-15T01:50:00Z and may end earlier if all actions have been submitted.

As the sunlight broke over the treetops, the people of Ravenswood Bluff were already assembled in the town square. It seemed that no one had gotten a restful night of sleep, and their fitful dreams had been made reality, as Vulgard’s broken body lay before them. No one smiled at Tan’s antics this morning. They were all tired… so very tired. But they knew that they still had work to do.

“Arete, I think I’m losing the crowd.”

Vulgard has died in the night, and Day 5 has begun. The nomination phase will open in twelve hours.


4 players left

no-lynch(or nominate a corpse) almost always here even though im sure i die 99.9% of the time

GIve your deadvote to Apprentice. Now.

@Shurian give token yadda yadda

beat me to it lel

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