(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Do we want to have everyone nominate to test for witch being alive

nah, not a big fan of that strat idea tbh

i did think it over a bit but i feel like it’s almost always just apprentice or me here

and that does nothing

anyway, vul was barber
so if your class was changed, tell us now
otherwise, witch must be alive and vortox swapped with witch

class is the same mi amigo

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Yellow good morning

shut it

That’s rude

it’s also rude to be evil

Well I was born into this, not given the option like u were to be rude to me

So be nice. No reason to be rude

Or nude :wink:

You heard it here first, folks, no reason for nudity. There are children in this town.

Wait, no there aren’t. We evacuated all of the children when the Demon appeared. But my point stands.

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I still am a strong believer in the Tangeld is final boss theory

You’d think that the bastard Atheist would have claimed by now…


dont tell them yet shhhhhh

Btw so Shurian wasn’t evil?

:man_shrugging: all we know is not demon or game would have ended

Also how many people are alive @Tangeld

The living players are @Marshal, @Wazza, @DirectorHail, @Universal and @Apprentice.