(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Marshal is confirmed Story Teller. Townie Marshal would’ve answered this with an RT. Scum Marshal would’ve answered this with an even wackier theory.

Someone who knows that you’re mad

But in all seriousness I am sure Marshal isn’t scum


dat didn’t

someone look through Marshal’s whisper request history

it’s a pretty hefty one lmfao

I hold Marshal’s ability to pull off a convincing lie in high regard
But I don’t think they fake emotion too well

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Are we in Lylo btw?

no, mylo

we could lynch a corpse if we wanted

/whisper @DirectorHail

1 demon, 3 not demon

so Mylo as N said

accept now


Hello, I won’t be on for long but I’ll make my case.

Make the whisper quick.

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Geyde is writing the Mueller Report but FoL version right now

Hello everyone, before I leave I’ll leave my mark on the situation. At this point in the game I’m certain Wazza is the demon, only other viable culprit would be me, but I am snake charmer.

Shuri[quote=“Marshal, post:65, topic:80547, full:true”]
Shurian said he was gonna sleep b4 he would decide best course of action

But I wanna do it early

And collect claims if I’m trusted

Accepted slightly begrudgingly by Italy
Accepted by Director

unrelated but interesting™

interesting™ post

interesting™ post
