(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Goblin is…why

I like the idea of a poisioned fisherman and the ST being incredibly obviously unhelpful, with advice like “you should try to find the demon” or “arete is a nerd”


Of course, you’ve all missed the best of those characters up until now…


Legion is utterly bonkers lmao

Goblin here, execute me please so that I can fulfill my win condition.

Ringleader is also utterly rediculous

as ringleader, it’s optimal to reveal right after the lynch

/nom Arete

Dead players cannot nominate, and furthermore nominations are not yet open.

So you can process all actions to help evil that night before you’re lynched the next day

Plz though

Cannot tell which is fuckier

Heretic, rogue, or legion

Rogue seems high key fun

Prophet seems like a blast tbh

Sicilian is also fucky

As is mole / magician

oh hello @Insanity
i forgot you still existed for a while.

Oh well, time to read up the thread again in my grave.

And slanking is not really good for my health :stuck_out_tongue:

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Granblue Versus

Oh and also play Granblue Fantasy on browser too, welcome to the gacha hell like me