(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Either accept or I’m just going to random nom.

I’ll accept now, but only if you swear to not nominate anyone today whatsoever if I do so.

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/accept @Wazza

hey everyone

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hey :wave:

be quiet scum

Again as I said to Marshal today please do not be rude.

Yall need to like just take like a chill pill with the rudeness in general, theres just beena lot of hostility in this match for 0 reason. And yall need to take a step back and be like did I really need to be mean today.

shut up nerd :^)

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well imma peace out for a bit then, aint feeling up to this

Nah, we’ll go full aggressive :^)

:pill: Yellow is passive. Red is ultra aggressive.
Take the right side.

Would I be neutral if I were to eat the both side?


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Neutrals aren’t a thing in this game, mate. Geyde gets it.


I must be a PH 7 Vegetable.

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i think travelers should have a neutral alignment in which their goal is to cause as much chaos as possible

That would just make them evil-aligned, since causing chaos undoubtedly benefits evil over good.

Just give them four vest.

Surely they wouldn’t be town-sided 90% of the time, amirite?

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