(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

literally silence you are outted wolf

we likely just do the same thing that we did today

marshal i will hurt you

@Shurian should give his token to apprentice tonight

@DirectorHail should self target IMO

even if it might not seem like the right move to some, i think hail should target himself tonight

i dont want some snake charmer fuckery in my f3

Watch the demon try to claim as they were demon but got snakeCharmed and are now good at LyLo.

yes thats exactly what i don’t want

because from what i’ve heard it happnes quite a bit and is basically a 50/50 crapshoot at if good or evil wins

and even worse if a minion says they are snake charmed to ML the snake charmer

it’s a whole nasty thing

So Hail stays home.


@Shurian have you given your ghost vote to appretice?

doing so is crucial to the gamesolve and likely the balance between a good win or loss

do it, say that you have done it, or openwolf by refusing

well uh.



lol nope


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“Are we really gonna do this again, folks?”

“Yes, Tan, we’re executing a corpse. What’s so weird about that?”

“…You people do remember that Shurian was burned to death, yes? Explain to me what I’m supposed to do here, because literally all I have to work with is a pile of ashes.”


“Yeah, thought so. sigh I think we go with something simple for this one.”

As the sun set, Tan and the citizens of Ravenswood Bluff gathered along the edge of the bluffs. The sound of the breakwater could faintly be heard as Tan unscrewed the top of the urn she held.

“Even in death, Shuri, you seem to find no peace. Travel far from this place. Perhaps then, you may finally rest.” Tan swept her arm in one fluid motion and emptied the urn, the ashes catching in the wind and swirling round the—wait, swirling?

As the wind picked up, Shurian’s ashes began to collect, forming a shape… feet, then legs, a torso, and finally Shurian was once again before the town, as if the last twenty-four hours had never happened.

“I’m alive! I don’t know how, but thank you Tan, for this peerless gift! On my honor, I shall—“

“Hey, Shuri?”

“Yes, Tan?”

“Look down.”

Shurian looked at his feet, and only then realized that this amazing miracle which had brought him back to a physical form… had happened three feet out over the edge of the bluffs. He looked back to the townspeople, blinked twice, and then dropped like a stone out of sight. Roughly a minute later, Shurian’s ghost floated back up to the top of the bluffs.

“That was a mean trick, Tan.”

“They wanted me to kill you again, and I did. I had to find some way to make it work.”

Shurian has been executed… again… and night falls. Please send in your Night 6 actions if you have any.

As the townsfolk returned to their homes for the night, Tan and Arete began making their rounds. Their first stop, as usual, was the inn where the visitors to the town, Datbird and Apprentice, were staying. But upon their arrival, both noticed the most striking absence from the room.

“Dat, where’d Apprentice go?”

Dat’s ghost, floating lazily over a bed in a pale simulation of sleep, jerked his thumb to the corner where the Beggar had slept. “He left a note for ya.”

To my most gracious hosts,
I wish to thank the people of this town for the kindness and the generosity they have shown me, despite my coming to them as a stranger in all respects. However, Tangeld, your words today on the bluffs struck something within me. Despite all the respect that I hold for these people, my future does not lie in this town, so wracked with turmoil. I have given my sincerest effort to repay what they have given me, but I am of the mind that I must move on if I wish to find peace in this world. I wish everyone the best moving forward. Humbly, Apprentice

“What does the note say, Tan?”

“Hell if I know, this is just a bunch of scribbles. Why did a beggar try to write us a note? Poor guy couldn’t afford an education, he was illiterate.”

Apprentice the Beggar has traveled away from Ravenswood Bluff.

Flavor by Tan.

Night will end by 2020-03-18T04:00:00Z and may end earlier if all actions are submitted.

The citizens of Ravenswood Bluff gathered in the town square, waiting for Tan and Arete to arrive and inform them of who had died in the night.

“Welcome, everyone, to another exciting day of demon hunting! And I do mean… everyone.”

“Wait… No one died? Are we finally free from the demonic menace?”

“I never said that. What I said was that no one died last night. Have fun, kiddos!”

“Did Apprentice’s wish for this town to know peace come true?”

Tan sighed. “…Okay, you’re just grasping at straws at this point.”

Day 6 rises, and no one has died in the night. The nomination phase will open at 2020-03-18T16:00:00Z.

so whos alive?

The currently living players are:


this isn’t going to work, sorry lmao.
I can stall all day.
Unless witch nabs us, we keep step, vortox.