(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

nah it was later

What did they do there then

shurian actually knew my role which was funnily enough from an incorrect soft of mine due to me misunderstanding/mixing up my class

and then claimed to me when… let me find the whisper

That’s odd
They both know what’s going on and don’t at several points

Focusing on softs…
A little weird

Fuckin guessing Shurian is scum
So Wazza therefore is demon

Which is a hard behavior sell
Marshal how has Wazza played like a demon

the first time shuri whispered me was to tell me that he found my soft

that whisper was after i re-read my classcard and realized that i couldn’t have softed cuz i misread my role

and i asked shuri what he thought i was and he said clockmaker which was correct

let me see

this was d2(after wazz had gotten his n1 info)

i mean he had info that it was vortox and didn’t share this to anyone. Now in-thread he did say he thought his info proved dat was scum but like i feel like you would clear up with the hosts if you had something incriminating?

actually wait no he even asked in main thread if storyteller or bishop did the noms, was told storyteller, an decided not to say that he got storyteller as a minion? which would prove that he was poisioned/drunk or that it was vortox game

and even if he thought dat was scum why did he not try to exile dat?

he has mech info that its vortox game and the only person he votes to kill is the good beggar.

this is just from a quick skim of his iso

my whispers to him yeilded nothing
besides him saying he “didn’t remember” his role when asked to claim

which is weird

like he says that dat is evil
but doesn’t call for an exile when he could have

no matter how you could spin that he interpreted his information, he sat on it and made a poor move either way

now im also hella tired cuz it’s like… 2 am and i’ve been up until 2 am for like the last 3 days so my sleep is shite

imma be awake at around start of noms phase maybe later if i have to do stuff in the morning

im going to do everything in my power to try and figure out how to show y’all tommorow and probably make a shudders wallpost

this is a win-lose scenario so im going to put as much effort into this as i can

  1. Marshal - Clockmaker Claim
  2. Wazza - Town Crier Claim
  3. DirectorHail - Snake Charmer Claim
  4. Magnus - Likely Good Flowergirl
  5. EVO - Mechanically Confirmed Good Mutant
  6. Shurian - Oracle Claim
  7. Universal - Likely Good Seamstress
  8. Insanity - Likely Good Savant
  9. Italy - probably Evil Cerenovus
  10. Datbird - Socially Confirmed Evil Bishop
  11. N.1 - Mechanically Confirmed Good Sage
  12. Geyde - Likely Good Dreamer
  13. Apprentice - Almost Certainly Good Beggar
  14. Vulgard - Mechanically Confirmed Good Barber unless Apprentice lied and there is no Vortox, which is a possibility we absolutely cannot afford to consider.

Wait is there a bad one?

No, magnus.

I don’t mean in this game, I mean as in the game at large.

Hello everyone, I will come out and say I didn’t visit. I can only justify by saying it’s because of the high chance of visiting Demon.
The major problem lies with not being able to confirm Shurians alignment.
Although Marshal isn’t out if the picture I believe either me or Wazza is most likely demon.

Things we know for certain, assuming Vortox confirmed, which we must assume because 1) this game was never winnable whatsoever for good if both travelers were evil based on how it started, and 2) DatBird is socially confirmed evil:

  1. If DirectorHail is good, Wazza must be the Vortox. DirectorHail claims snake charmer that targeted both Universal and Marshal with no effect. I believe this was N3 and N4 although it may have been N4 and N5; I’d have to look.

  2. If Marshal is good, either Universal or Shurian must have been evil. The reason for this is that Universal claims Seamstress info that she saw Wazza and Hail as the same alignment, meaning they are of the opposite alignment (because this is a Vortox game). Cerenovous was dead then, so if we trusted Marshal, either Uni was legit and it was (Wazza or Hail) + Shurian, or Uni wasn’t legit and it was him + someone else. There is more logic we used to come to this conclusion in whispers that I’ll have to find later.

  3. The way we were so certain that Italy was the Cerenovous was that: The Cerenovous targeted me both N1 and N2 and then targeted my corpse again N3. Geyde and I agreed that no one else besides Italy would have chosen to target a corpse or even known that targeting a corpse was possible. No one has ever been mad since Day 3, and if all minions were alive, the Demon would have no reason to not just kill the last townie N6 and just clinch the game. Therefore, at least one minion must be dead.

  4. I’m not sure how good Shurian is at feigning ignorance. He did seem fairly lost in DM’s and in this thread, but on the other hand, he failed to give his deadvote to Apprentice and even nominated Apprentice for exile. We never did a Witch test, so unfortunately, we have no way of knowing if Shurian was the witch, or we just got lucky with nominations ever since DatBird died. If the witch is alive, the game is harder now because we only have one shot if only one townie is alive.

More points to come later.

This means he believes your good.

Not that is relevent to consider in this game. I’ll tell you more about ways an Evil Flowergirl could be created after the game ends. Let’s focus on solving, please.