(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Ultimately im fine sheeping Geyde’s decision, unless someone else has a better well-supported idea.

I don’t care.
I was sick of having the same pfp. Everyone was calling me a lizard, no less.

Okay doggy.

Not a dog lol

Is that a wolf :eyes:

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Yeah I would’ve responded that way to, however to isn’t helping so I refuse to speak about this any further.

Without evidence suggesting which is demon, I’m fine with it.

Yeah. This game started out horrifically for good. I battled back to give us a chance, but it’s still not a great chance. So sheeping Geyde is probably the best option here because of how good at social reading he is (and mechanical reading is not enough here, so we have to do a lot of social reading too).

I just realized
Now that we’re down to the final few, clockhand voting should be in play, right?

But yes, there are only three mechanical possibilities right now:

  1. Hail is good --> Wazza MUST be the Vortox and nothing else matters.
  2. Hail is evil --> Wazza MUST be good, Hail can be the Vortox and Marshal doesn’t matter.
  3. Hail is evil --> Wazza MUST be good, Hail could be Witch with Marshal being the Vortox.

Is Witch and Vortox one and the same?

No, Magnus. The witch is a minion. The vortox is the demon.

Either shurian was the witch, or the witch is still alive.

Chances of all Minions being dead?

Who knows.
Italy is confirmed to have been the Cerenovous and is dead.
If Shurian was the Witch, all minions are dead. If not, one minion in the witch still alive.

Nope, since this wasn’t in the OP of the signup thread.

I read through that whole thing. If clockhand voting were added in now, that would make this game bastard.

If clockhand voting was ever going to be in play, it should have been here from the start like standard BotC. The fact that clockhand voting is never mentioned in that post reflects this.

It, uh, wasn’t mentioned in the Trouble Brewing thread either, but it was still put into play.

That game was already bastard and had its integrity compromised because my slot unintentionally became modconfirmed to Arete when I replaced out (TL referenced the original target of my librarian ability instead of the person that replaced into there).

I’d prefer if this game didn’t become bastard as well. So far, it hasn’t.

I don’t think that made it a bastard game

Hey Italy, who’s the Demon?
You should know.