(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

This is not a possibility worth considering since this is not a Vigormortis game. If we considered it, this game would never be anywhere near solvable.
It is confirmed that we executed one of the minions day 4 (Italy).
As for the other one, almost everyone that died at night is very trustworthy.

This is the same reason why we are not considering the chance of Apprentice being an evil liar and this not being a Vortox game.

There is a Vortox, just saying. I confirm it also.

mindfreak, I was literally about to pull that up.

how are you confirmed Sage…?

I just realised this, what?

It’s impossible for anyone other than Apprentice to mechanically confirm the existence of a Vortox.
Except for him, any false information players get could be from poison from a No Dashii or Vigormortis, instead of the Vortox.
Poison always skips travelers, and Apprentice claimed to receive information that was mechanically impossible (that EVO was evil).
Therefore, he and only he mechanically confirmed the existence of Vortox.

I looked at the end of the day you died, don’t try leading me to that without saying what makes you confirmed.

I was made mad for Day 2.
I threw myself on the sword at EoD2 when no one was getting enough votes to make it such that good didn’t lose instantly.

If I wasn’t good, I blatantly gamethrew when I could have just won right there by saying nothing, and the Cerenovous blatantly gamethrew by targeting a known teammate three nights in a row.

I confirm the existence of a Vortox, multiple times.

Once again you know I do.

Everyone in this fucking game can’t be a minion.

Once again, it’s impossible for any non-travelers to confirm the existence of a vortox.
For any residents, any false information could also be from Poison from a No Dashii or Vigormortis as well.

Travelers can never be poisoned, and Apprentice got mechanically confirmed false information. That’s the only thing that really confirms the existence of a vortox.

what do you mean. I got false info as well.

The Vigormortis and No Dashii can poison multiple people

You’re informed if you’re poisoned.

Your false info on the ST noms could have been from poison instead of vortox.

No, you never are.

Your ability just malfunctions.

We know there’s a vortox, but you don’t mechanically confirm that.
Only Apprentice does, since travelers can never be poisoned in this variant of the game.

Besides, if Vigormortis exists, then my theory of a minion dying at night would be correct if they tricked me.
And if No Dashii exists it would be possible.

Fuck. It is possible for No Dashii to exist in my eyes.