(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

And if No Dashii does exist, then this would happen.

we’re wasting time.
Vortox is mechanically confirmed. It doesn’t matter how it became that way.
All I was trying to explain to you is that Vortox is only mechanically confirmed because of Apprentice, who got mechanically confirmed false information on EVO’s alignment.

Dude I’m just saying that it’s possible in my eyes according to your info.

I’m telling you what you want to hear and you’re telling me to stop?

yes im telling you to stop because it’s a waste of time.
I arguably wasted time as well.

Vortox is 100% mechanically confirmed because EVO gave Apprentice his deadvote and Apprentice saw an Evil alignment, when EVO is mechanically confirmed to be the Good Mutant.

No it isn’t, I’m trying to convince you I ain’t demon.

And i’ll keep listening. But speculating about which demon in play doesn’t help you; it just wastes time, because the Vortox is already 100% confirmed to be the demon in play.
All I was doing in going off on that side tangent was explaining that Vortox is only 100% mechanically confirmed because of Apprentice and no one else.
This doesn’t at all make me more or less suspicious of you; I’m just trying to help you understand how the game works.

I know what demon is in play.

I’m just stating from the perspective of Apprentice being evil.

By the way, I did call this in my prediction, didn’t I.

i know that. I was just explaining that neither your nor anyone else’s information really confirm this. Only Apprentice’s does.
Now let’s please stop wasting time on this matter.

evo could technically only be evil in a hyperbrain move where N.1 is cerenovus and lied about being mad and made evo mad about being something other than mutant

and then threw the game by making theirself mad and declaring theirself as mad a literal minute before an EoD that would have resulted in a vortox win

DatBird openwolfed.
If both travelers were evil, this game was never winnable for Good with how horrifically it started for the good team.
Therefore, as I’ve said before, this is not a possibility worth considering.

it’s possible but it’s completely fucking insane and would probably never happen

Can I nominate Hail when Nomination phase begins.

i DoNt kNoW, cAn yOu?

Yes. But please wait until we figure out whether or not clockhand voting will be in play (if it is, I’m going to leave the game before it ends because that would make the game bastard).
Also, please note that we’re probably going to advise Marshal to nominate you.

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tbh there must be the 2 minions in this.

not must but I’m sure there is.

Or at the very least 1.

the game wouldn’t be bastard because of clockhand voting
it’s a basic BotC mechanic that for some reason isn’t mentioned anywhere, ever

Bet Town lose.

Betting it now.