(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

DirectorHail has whispered:

Next to him


Next to him




Marshal Again:

N.1 Again:

N.1…again again:


CC’ing Seamstress?

How is that not fucking lying?

it is lying
but the demon never has a need to lie by counterclaiming since they start the game knowing three classes which all must not be in the game and they can just pick one of those

4x someone mechanically confirmed good (me)
1x someone we are very confident was good (Magnus)
1x another someone we are very confident was good (Simon --> now Insanity)
1x You
1x Marshal

Whispers are not entirely AI here as I’ve learned evil can still play very well here without them.

this was mainly me trying to get all his claimed snake charmer info and commanding him on who to target with his ability

Hail claimed that he actively chose to do nothing as Snake Charmer for the first three nights in a row.
Which is definitely something big against him and a tactic that I disagree with heavily.
Night 4 he claimed he targeted Universal.
Night 5 when I begged and commanded him to target you, Wazza, he said he decided to swerve and target Marshal instead.

@Wazza @DirectorHail @Marshal
Do NOT Nominate anyone until sometime after we learn whether or not clockhand voting will be in play today.

Please list, one by one, by name, every player that your Town Crier information confirms to not be a minion.

If you’re good, I need to work down a PoE based on who could possibly be the second minion after we subtract everyone that your information mechanically confirms to not be a minion.
So please do so ASAP, thanks.

I’ll nominate someone then-

You can’t. You’re dead.

Wait I am?

Wait wait wait let me see

This is a massive bruh moment. I am depresso now ;-;

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Yes, you died during the night.
We are in Final Three now.
We lynch the demon today, or we lose.

Did my information do anything?

Yes, it was pretty helpful. please read the recent posts here.

I am dead ;-;. @Arete @Marshal where were you when I needed you most ;-;

Shurian being minion makes Wazza guaranteed scum