(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

He’s playing with friends
Anything is possible

italy openwolfed multiple times post death
no other possibility for cerenovous is worth the time to consider other than him.

By no means is that a hard rule, but a nice rule of thumb for character action order is


Protective characters



Which means that an info-gathering character typically does not receive info on the night they die, because they are dead before they would act.

well i knew that evo was mutant and what it did

just not that i could get him killed by doing that

i do beleive italy figured out what evo was and was trying to get me to out him and while it ultimately was my decision it’s one i beleive italy influenced me to make

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Who claimed Oracle again?

sorry, i meant informational characters that act each night, not all characters


i suppose
i just doubt that possibility for now

What results did Shurian claim?

wait didn’t shuri get a “1” n1


which means it can’t have been magnus

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Oh yeah.

Since Info-Gatherers are last.

The wording could’ve been looked over easy, I believe you as long as this setup is new lol, was just making sure.

oh YES

Shurian claimed:

1 person evil dead N2
1 person evil dead N3
0 people evil dead N4

Shurian died D5

That was DatBird though, right? That 0 people evil?

which means it can’t have been magnus dying n1

meaning… it has to be wazza doesn’t it

if Magnus was minion, Shurian can’t be evil.
So i don’t think Magnus can be evil, mechanically.

what? How does that force me to be it?