(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Except, for the 1st theory to be true, Hail would have to be starting.

correct yes.

We aren’t gonna get anywhere with this.

I’m still thinking it through tbh

i think we are making significant progress towards solving

i guess yes?
but I socially townread geyde so heavily and so greatly doubt that any evil players would get nominated Day 1 with an evil bishop in play (as I said, maybe later, but not day 1) that that’s a possibility I’m willing to throw out entirely.

I don’t, Hail ain’t fucking here.

Nuke had no way to know vortox when coming out with dreamer info immediately

does he need to be? we are just sorting out mech right now

i doubt Simon would CC me like that if evil unless he had spoken to italy

Let’s get someone to find his claimed Savant info, though. It should be somewhere in this thread

Plus I can’t fake my entrance

aren’t they neighbors?

By the way,

No one answered me, what makes Insanity/Simon so impossible to be Minion.

He never mechanically confirmed himself.

ah yeah they are, fuck

that’s what we are figuring out right now


God you just did shit randomly to try point a finger towards me.

I’m starting to believe this switch theory, you know.

socially i did

i also very much doubted that you were town at all but it’s a world im considering because last game the unexpected happened, but was figured out and ended in a good win

neither Insanity / Hail nor Geyde / Hail are mechanically confirmed impossible
I townread Geyde so much that i’d prefer to throw out that option entirely.
As for the former, I guess it can be added to the list as a fourth possibility, since I didn’t realize until now that Italy and Simon / Insanity were neighbors (which complicates things a great deal).

uh guys