(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

keep in mind that Marshal can only be demon if Hail is a minion @Geyde

why isn’t it that good

So Marshal noms Wazza then Wazza noms me? How we doing this.

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because you could have known that n.1 was mad the entire time based off that interaction and acted accordingly
your actual posts ended up parroting what n.1 was saying in panic near the end there

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Which agains really depends on Shurians alignment, although there are many possibilities to who could be minion we can’t afford to consider it this late in the game.

ok director is scum

it was entirely obvious that I was mad in the way that I was thunderdoming Simon
I had to backpedal and claim that the hosts had unknowingly broken the rules along with me in order to save my own ass when I fucked up

How? It’s just how I see it, N.1 pretty much has the same idea. Although it was more directed at Marshal.

While you’ve been offline, we’ve mechanically confirmed multiple possibilities to be impossible

hail is openwolfing with the nom on me actually

they’re just following the ‘three person thing’

Has Wazza nominated yet?


but why does starting vortox start off counterclaiming an existent class when they have three bluffs
i just don’t understand and don’t think hail has played the game enough to know that could be optimal in his situation. He hasn’t whispered italy I think (by far the most experienced member of their team)

but shouldn’t he know im not demon? and therefore have no reason to up me?

unless he was just sheeping y’all

someone quote for me where Magnus said that Hail claimed seamstress

because currently the best way for me to justify this is hail scheming with marshal on the matter via whisper

they would have snake charmer as a bluff and used that
this was before uni had claimed

they initially claimed seamstress first though

essentially, bluffing snake charmer relies on not actually claiming snake charmer