(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

please @Geyde

then you can just initially claim another bluff???

it’s possible that the other ones were difficult to fake

what classes were not claimed this game
let’s see

Yes I claimed seamstress initially, Magnus randomly asked for a role trade early on and I didn’t feel comfortable claiming Snakecharmer that early on. So I fakeclaimed Seamstress. Btw Magnus claimed first so it would’ve been sus for me not to say anything.

also geyde i think there is a flaw in that logic

italy is confirmed cerenovous right? and neighboring dat(and should have known he was evil with all d1 noms being good)

datbird obviously didn’t know that N was mad or could madness-suicide. or vortox until app revealed it(but that’s a different story)

Now dat was neigboring italy(the cerenovous) and italy is the only one that could tell me that that was possible

but it appears that his neighbor didn’t know and decided to openwolf instead, but you think i would have known this as a possibility but dat wouldn’t?

Any outsider would be difficult to claim since there’s only two

However I revealed that I was snakecharmer publicly after Marshal got me with a reaction test.

Also Klutz

actually, fair
like…other than strictly bad play I don’t have an explanation for that

also, im pretty sure shuri is always evil here(unless i am)

yet i specifically pushed hard for shuri to give his token to apprentice, pinging him constantly and advising him to do so.

if shurian is outted as good, i’m outted as evil. geyde said as much in thread. so why would i specifically work towards having shuri give his token to apprentice?

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it’s wazza

Townies being townie pog

I know for a fact it’s Wazza, from my perspective, although regardless.
@Wazza You still need to nominate me.

thank you geyde
now it’s a matter of getting all of the votes in

because scum have like what… 4 votes?
and a tie means that good loses as well here


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@DirectorHail has nominated @Marshal! Director may present their accusation, and then Marshal may give their defense.

you could have done this sooner baka
could have made my life easier

mí apoligies geyde

i’ve been trying to work through everything today and those occurences only came to me a little while ago