(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

i’m gonna have to side with tan
i’m not sure if you know what gamethrowing is


/whisper N.1

real quick.

i already apologized. My opinion will not change here and besides, the other, much stronger portion of my reasoning (the corpse maddening) is undeniable, and also, you’ve openwolfed multiple times postmortem.

Let’s just move on. Thanks.

/denied for now
no one should be whispering

i mean i can’t really argue with being the only person who would ever be clever enough to madden a corpse
but i don’t think i ever previously openwolved

I wanted to whisper you a game-related meme

but I only want you to see it.

you have, multiple times postmortem
I can quote for you postgame if you’d like
but it’s not worth the time during the game

I think i’ve said before that I vehemently loathe memes.
So no, sorry.

you’re a banana.

Anyway, current thoughts of mine are that DirectorHail is Demon.

not mechanically possible unless either NuclearRehab --> Geyde or Simon --> Insanity is a minion.

Both of those are highly improbable socially.

I keep saying Insanity was Minion.

How is it improbable? For fucks sake, we need to focus on mechanics over socialism.

we’ve gotten as far as we can with mechanics, wazza
this game is never fully solvable with mechanics alone

Insanity had opportunities to not only mechanically confirm but to also ask a question to the Storyteller that could be answered…


May I ask, was Insanity outed before or after their death?

please read
simon thunderdomed me as savant all day during day 2

he claimed that he outed more subtly during day 1.