(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I feel like your reasons you proposed for you being town are just solid
Wazza’s play has been all claim in terms of good stuff. Otherwise, I haven’t liked their votes / pushes.

Don’t have ghost vote tho

can i start massping-rallying for votes on wazza

haven’t done the math but if we have too much slank im p sure that evil can tie things up and cause a good loss even if we have solved

im p sure im voting marshal here
i don’t think the chance of italy forgetting dat was evil or willfully not informing him to possibly help later can be fully ruled out
you have no idea how skilled and experienced italy is at this game. you can’t look at him under the same lens you do everyone else

ok even with that

what about my shurian point

why in any world would i, as evil, push directly for myself to be outted by doing everything i could to convince shurian to give his vote to apprentice.

I think informing an ally of everything in order to effectively gain an additional vote and voice is worth more than keeping them in the dark

v possible you didn’t know at the time that would’ve outed you

im pretty sure in this world i did this when i would have been demon as well

which would be gamethrowing hard

geyde said, in thread, that if shurian was good i was confirmed evil

and i acknowledged that post and pushed for the truth to be uncovered

Have you read Shurian’s iso
I think you should if you haven’t

quote this
@Geyde explain how you knew at that time

you’re right i should
i’ll read everyone’s iso after i awaken tomorrow

going to sleep soon

I thought uni was town atp and Vul was conf town p sure


now in what world do i, as scum, push for a town!shuri to give his ghost vote to apprentice(pinging him on more then 1 occasion i beleive) knowing that it would out me as evil

This would have been after the swap in that world as well

meaning if i am demon, i specifically pushed for myself to be outted scum.

N you said it yourself. I’m not that bad of a player.

Your scum power is absolutely worse now than at some points it had been in the past.


im not sure i follow