(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

if it’s hail, then major props to both him and his scumbuddy(whoever it might be) if they are a deaddie because he mega big brained the seamstress thing and softed it to me, and then the deaddie did a great job of being convincing(whether it was simon or geyde)

im not sure how pit hag works but if that happened GG

I still think it’s gonna be 2-0 and will go for the clean sweep of good in BMR if that’s hosted or just give myself a clean sweep of 3-0 if im evil in BMR

they can change anyone’s class so long as the new class wasn’t already in the game
if the pit hag changed hail from the vortox into something else, all of our information became completely unreliable at some point.

I’m not mad that I lost with how horribly this game started for the good team.

Just know we tried our best and you should lowkey get MVP for getting us this far. You did great with what information you had. I know in the future you will win next time, though I hope you will be on my team for that :smiley:

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yeah N thank you for putting all you could this game

i know we have differing opinions on how it will end but just know that no matter what happens i thank your efforts heavily

1200 posts is a lot even for a game with 15000 posts

in a game with 4800

thats like 1/4 of the game

you and i combined to be 42.3% of this game’s posts

i guess it’s just the waiting game now

no matter what happens


Well Tan hasn’t locked the thread so that means there must be another thing going on

i asked what happens if we mechanically lost in noms phase if we would know and she said that she would wait until end of noms

likely she’s just waiting until end of phase again

so… waiting it is

Alright the old waiting game. I’ll be watching shows in the mean time

i’ll be working on my setup for online school tommorow and getting my desk to look nice

yeah and i was informed that we’d be waiting until end of phase

so uh

waiting game it is

se y’all in 6 hours

gg @DatBird i know you won

6 hours god this is boring can yall just win already



who won datbird, we’re dying here
the game is mechanically over 100%

les go

fucking told ya N


sorry dat but fwiw you played well from my eyes

I got too cocky, not knowing N could just ruin the no lynch