(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

unless you are deliberatly fucking with us for no reason other then fucking with us

please stop if this is the case dat; we don’t deserve that

Honestly i just come in and post every couple hours, idk the game state at all. Whos alive?

i’m not taking too much stock in what he says

But hosts said we b waiting and so we b waiting

wazza, hail, and marshal
wazza is mechanically guaranteed to die to lynch today, ending the game

the game is already mechanically locked, every non-evil player has their vote locked on wazza (including all ghost votes) and this cannot be tied or beaten

so pls tell us who wins @DatBird

eh im not gonna trust what he says

im just gonna wait

If I was scum this game holy fuck

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Well the thing is, Im gonna just play it safe and wait, cause all i know this is a rt. I aint revealing nada. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CExn-jbVTcE

ah damn it
gg dat

you kinda already slipped that it’s a good win IMO

but :man_shrugging:

All I revealed is that im going to play animal crossing

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pit hag + cerenovus neighbors is literally unstoppable
just make everyone mutant + mad about mutant

they’re tinker in that case
st could choose to never kill them

so choose people the ST doesn’t like :wink:

doesn’t work since pit hag can’t make people into characters already in play

only out of play
including dead chars

action fails if you try to create a character that is already in play

i just realized that sage dying in the final 4 in a vortox game is a garunteed win

damn im kinda sad N madness-died because that woulda been pretty gamer

hey i kept good from losing instantly
that was more important