(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Well im back from the family thing

im sorry wazza, you seem upset, but like i feel this is the best path towards a good win and you shouldn’t feel upset if it is director and you lost because his play would have been etter then thought possible

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I am fucking upset, and I am VERY upset that none of y’all listen to me.

evil outsider isn’t a thing

I deserve to be upset.

I meant it as an MVP way, not literally evil on the outsider one.

Whatever, I just want this game to end already.

I’m aware this loss is also my fault, I ain’t just blaming y’all because “lol ur fault” I slanked at the start and I admit that.

oh so like when arete calls someone a lost wolf when they play poorly

got it

Nah, only thing Vulgard really did wrong was vote me and vote far too early.

Just like the rest of y’all did and it caused our loss.

wazz, you yourself saw what happened in the game at EoD2

we were scrambling for votes and wanted to make sure everyone was piled on.

if you are good i will be the first to admit that it was a missplay rushing it but it’s better then leaving it to pinging people at 3 am where they are and hoping


Hail made a beyond ridiculous play if he was demon

At the start of the game, he would have to not bluff using his out of game claims and instead try to fakeclaim snake charmer (despite not having much experience with this format) by fakeclaiming something outside of those bluffs
He then would have had to not have any self awareness in calling for a no vote
The kills the demon made were logical at most points in the game

He clearly knows what is suspicious (he cited that claiming snake charmer would be sus), so why would he make plays that would put him in the spotlight (claiming outside of bluffs initially)

Vote someone, I don’t give a shit if it’s me but Arete said she’d end the day once all votes are done so just end the day, I got a fucking rant for everyone here.

You ignored the fact he lied in general though.

lying in this format does not always = scum

i think there was a meme on the BoTC discord about this logical path in the first place

Wazza seems to be coming off as angry town right now, but it has to be him.

Unless Marshal is demon somehow.

@EVO you also vote

It’s Hail but aight, you call your own shots. I don’t care if you vote me already, WE. CAN’T. WIN.

It would be safer for him to tell the truth than to lie.
Demon really doesn’t want to be sus

And he knew this when he didn’t claim snake charmer immediately

Did you see my game?

I lied about being Mayor, Arete was outed to me by Eevee, I scrambled, claimed Saint, guess what though? My minion friend claimed Saint!