(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

We can’t win anyway, I have 6 votes, Hail has 2. Even if all dead Town vote Hail, that’s only 4-5 votes. And even then scum can pile on me. @Arete end this game. It’s a lost cause.

And I know that
That’s why this is a difficult call

Gave my vote to beggar

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Best thing is, if it’s Marshal, I don’t give a shit, because if it is, I respect him in every way possible.

Right, forgot.

3-4 votes on Hail at max.

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logically impossible unless i purposefully threw at the final 4 calling for shuri deadvote

and even if it was me i don’t think getting enough votes on me is possible

Director slanked
But he’s been consistent in it (see last botf)

My biggest problem with his slot was lack of trying and weird ass claim
But it’s not out of character

Been using context clues for this word but I just wanna confirm, what does slanking mean exactly? I assumed it was lurking

im not really gonna use meta for him because idk if he’s ever had a scumgame

but his snake charmer thing is town or 800iq scum

I slanked at the start.
I was consistent with everything I did.

Yet I’m the scum. Everything I said was true and what I got. Yet I’m the scum. Everything I fucking did for this game and tried to help y’all with towards the end. Yet I’m the scum.


meaning not posting very much and/or not having much activity

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Slanking just refers to low posting
Like someone who’s not on a lot

I’m done with FM. I think I need to break away from this place.

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Oof I spanked

FM is the only place where I’m toxic now. Goodbye.


Go take a break if you need it, especially if it is affecting you mentally.

I’m not saying you were not consistent

If you are town your effort this last phase was legitimately moving
I commented multiple times in my rolecard that your slot has been unbelievably townie

thing is, can’t move away from this place.