(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

14 minutes.
Where are the votes at?

He counterclaimed Uni.

Why would you CC uni.

None have changed:

Hail - Wazza and N.1
Wazza - Marshal, Hail, Insanity and Vulgard

if he was real snake charmer it is not out of the ordinary to want to fakeclaim.

if he was demon why would he do that? especially since i was collecting whispers and said i would out any thunderdomes

He didn’t cc Snake Charmer.

He cc’d Seamstress. NOT. SNAKE. CHARMER.

the only world where he does this as demon is one where he is trying to purposefully set up a snake charmer claim with a fakeclaim, which is too risky and too weird

yes that’s what i meant.

there is reason for him to do so as town

Snake Charmer would be a fake claim for him anyway, it would be very easy for him to counterclaim.

Why, why would you do that as Town though, even though it would cause chaos.

Specifically, why would you do it on a day where everyone has no clue who to vote and are panicking.

He didn’t cc
He just claimed it

He didn’t know until way after that his claim was in conflict with Uni

Also, Magnus claims that Hail agreed to switch claims.

Meaning, Hail broke that since Hail would be claiming Flowergirl at that point.
Flowergirl is really powerful, that’s why Hail attacked Magnus.


Did you tell Hail you were Flowergirl?

being outted as snake charmer puts you in a big PoE and if you use your ability ever and succeed you lose, and good will make you use your ability

he did do so(i think) and also claimed it publicly, iirc

Demon would have to claim possibly in game role (it was) in order to maybe make his SC bluff work

Magnus publicly claimed flowergirl

But that’s the thing.

Hail was like me and was slanking at the start of the game, meaning he probably didn’t read up on claims until he was spoonfed them, like I was also by N.1

Doesn’t matter. If you don’t read, you ain’t gonna know that.

10 minutes guys.

Please, I need you to trust me

he also claimed it in whispers to you, correct?