(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Granted day late because SOMEONE decided not to attack.

also hail never meant to claim snake charmer

he just… randomly claimed seamstress

i only said that he softed snake charmer to make sure we didn’t instalose and made a whole plan to get to him

Also whole goal for me was to find like a demon and not directly ever speak to Hail as then there would be strand connecting us

Dammit yall. I love you all too much oml. Thank you for this amazing experience. The ending was comical and relieved me of some immense tension I got with the news I have here. Thank you all again. From the bottom of my heart I love you all


even though marshal and i knew for a fact dat was evil, we were all really untrusting of eachother constantly

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no he starpassed

Wazza, the reason Marshal missed a kill was because he had been planning to set you up as Demon, saw that you hadn’t been online since that night fell, and didn’t want people to angleshoot into clearing you of being Demon because you weren’t on to select a kill target.

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that’s also angleshooting though?

No, that was in fact a Barber swap. The “starpass” is only a thing that the Imp can do.

also yeah I didn’t come online because I was busy and had really no need to come on.

this is one of if not one of my favorite games on this site

probably only 2nd to lotrfm

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i know that was a shitpost

Why did Director claim seamstress

Also guys I am gonna be hunkering down. We just got reports for 6 cases for the coronavirus with the nearest one being just a few buildings away. Wish me luck ;-;


no fucking idea

One of if not one of

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I was lurking somewhat and I’m still confused on how this works but it’s fine, it’s fine.

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That was one of the things that completely floored me

Also, Marshal, that dramatic irony I told you to remind me about? Because Italy and Dat were forced to sever communications with you and Hail after getting outed, they had no idea that the Barber swap had gone down and you were actually the Demon now. They were in whispers together scrambling to be able to save Hail.

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be safe my dude