(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

We didn’t want to save hail

We just wanted to join in on kicking wazza’s ass to meme the town 10 seconds before EoD

Least favourite game on my site.

Even worst than my first game.

Found no fun in this game, not going to lie, game just stressed me out, hurt me more, frustrated me and made me do something else I won’t say (I DID NOT DO ANYTHING BAD LIKE SELF-HARMING THOUGH).

Talking about love though,
Goodbye guys. I hope you have fun here now, but for real, I’ve got to go, my explaination is in the “Long time leaving thread thing”


Hail was gonna make it 100%

he just… did it

for no reason

i realize hail was thunderdomed against uni because he fucking rando claimed outside of safeclaims and then just went ahead and did my whole snake charmer thing here.

Oh, that reminds me! I have two memes that I made over the course of this game, and now I get to share them.

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also my clockmaker thing was entirely a yolo

I am just worried for my mother who has asthma. If she gets it, it can very well take her life

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the boulder couldn’t stop me


I think ultimately the reason town lost is that town wasn’t willing to trust each other

I think there were various factors that contributed to this, the most obvious being aggressive behavior on the part of some town members – like, when you shout at people that they’re openwolving gamethrowers who need to listen to what you’re saying even though you’re not explaining it to them, that doesn’t make them super inclined to listen to you, even when they’re town

A lot of people had figured out individual pieces of the puzzle, and some of that came through on the last day (a lot of worlds were ruled out for the first time there that could have been ruled out much earlier). This was a theme throughout the game – several different players had information pointing to it being a Vortox game, but failed to piece it together right away, and that could have been avoided by Good players talking to each other. Fundamentally, Good lost at the point when Good players stopped trusting each other – not just trusting each other’s alignments, but trusting each other as competent and capable members of their team with the potential to make worthwhile contributions

I think there are a couple things I would do differently if I were to run this set-up again. This game had a lot of issues with slanking, and I think clearer standards around activity could have helped a lot with that. I also think a lot of people who had never played BotC before found themselves struggling to understand what was going on – which is understandable, it’s a confusing set-up – and we could have done more to make sure they were not confused.

On a more positive note: very good plays by the evil team! I’m going to be honest, I’m not really sure why Hail claimed outside of his bluffs, but it worked out, so I don’t think I can really criticize it? I’d specifically like to give @Marshal a shoutout for his social play; despite never having a Witch curse go off, he was easily able to contribute socially to his team, and saved them from a few situations that I was worried were going to bring the game to a premature end.



I’m sorry
I didn’t listen to what you had to say on the final day, and made this hour of yours entirely pointless.
You undeniably played extremely well.

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It’s fine, I just want to put past this game and move on for good.

You’re forgiven, same with you @N.1 and you @Marshal for your great plays.

Hail just too good

for the record, thunderdoming himself when we knew hail was inexperienced at this game was by far the biggest reason evil won the game

honestly i felt like the odds were kind of stacked against us when marshal told us hail’s bluffs, which happened to be “philosopher, snake charmer and klutz”
you know, one claim to save your ass and two claims that get you executed because you’re still alive in a game with 0 protectives

thank you wazza

i was hoping you would understand why i would do what i did.

those bluffs were pure ass ngl

I was so good up until I got cocky lol

no (barring a situation where, for instance, he said ‘I’m Cerenovused’ and you immediately went back to chat and said or heavily implied that he had told you that)

…why didn’t you realize n.1 could kill himself

hail and i claimed outside of them, italy ended up getting exed anyways despite having the safeclaim.