(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

this is going nowhere.

this isnt a hardclaim?

it’s a statement stating i will soon hardclaim.
Not a hardclaim in it of itself.

“im going to hardclaim now”
“that isnt a hardclaim”


and that post wasn’t clear enough in my intention to publicly request information, either.

they’re the same post, just quoted differently. your first post in this thread

yes, I then hardclaimed.
But in that post in which I hardclaimed, I was not clear enough in my intention to publicly declare my request for information either, in my own opinion.

sure, in your opinion.
except in my opinion you were.
neither of our beliefs, in and of themselves, matter here

i thought they were two different posts b/c i didn’t expand it until now.
No, neither part of that post is clear enough

let’s please stop wasting time here and try to gamesolve.

and im saying yes, it was.
neither of us is an authority on this,

thats what im doing.
if i had another scumread id pursue it, but i dont. its literally only you

look, let’s just agree to disagree and move on.
None of your tunneling on me or my tunnel defense, both days 1 and 2, has advanced the gamestate in a good way whatsoever.

heh, except that now people know not to use your information in gamesolving

then try to figure out who else you scumread
It’s mechanically confirmed at this point that unless the demon is a Vigo and chose to kill a minion manus last night (which is pretty unlikely IMO), it is mechanically confirmed that at least one of DatBird and NuclearRehab must be evil.

which is why if ST does not nominate rehab today, I will get DatBird exiled.

this is not based on my information at all (even though my information is legit unless I’m poisoned or there’s a Vortox)
Just a fact.

and dont say anything about me calling you a liar.
Im a liar, your a liar, literally everybody in this game is a liar.
we have all lied on this forum

sorry, i have the right to defend myself however i would like, this included.


you have the right, sure, but its just annoying to me that you would have the nerve to use such a useless, insignificant argument