(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

this is what I always do with lack of better information when I’m attacked
and there is no better information because I am uncomfortable whispering everyone at this time.

you should learn that it’s difficult for me to play this game like a regular FM with FM-style reads. i’ve played this game dozens of times and all of them except the first iteration on this forum (which was also my first playthrough of this game ever, when I sucked at it) have been in the normal version of this game, in either voice or IRL, turbo-style format.

your consistent tunnel on me has made me trust you to not be the demon for now, ironically.
I don’t think the demon would put themself out there this much so early.

So thank you, i guess.

At this point, do you think it is more likely that Nuclear_Rehab or DatBird is evil, and why?

you dont have to.
i suck at fm style reads. alwayse have.
but im great with mechanics, even when no information can be trusted.
i helped win the last game on this forum with nary a read of significant bit of information when it counted.

i hate to say it but this really isnt something only a towny me would do.

if this is true
why . . .

if i had to guess, nuclear, because of how he acted regarding being lynched and i remember some people trusting datbird pretty hard

but its not that much so i wouldnt act on it

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this game is more mechanic centric than any FM
This version of the game is significantly more mechanic / information centric than trouble brewing (the first variant run here)

yes, your point?

it’s very valuable to kill a minion early to stop them from messing with the town anymore.
i stand by my stance that if nuclear is not nominated today, I will get datbird exiled.

It’s very likely IMO that the minions in play are a Pit Hag and a Cerenovous based on my first two days’ feedback. That, or I was poisoned N2 and magnus could have been bad, or we have a Vortox.
If there was a doppelgänger, two people would have initiated a thunderdome by now. That’s definitely not it. A Pit Hag that’s only targeted evils thus far is possible though.

An outsider slot in Mutant has been modconfirmed, which is good.
If there was any time to get yourself executed as mutant, Day 1 was definitely the best option, even if evo didn’t intend to.

Or I was poisoned both N1 and N2, and the No Dashii is sitting next to me.

Or we have both a witch and a Fang Gu, and the evil team is Witch, Cerenovous, Fang Gu, and one of the two outsiders.

if you’re an outsider, please claim.
If you’re uncomfortable claiming publicly, i guess im now comfortable whispering everyone so that we can narrow down the demon type candidates.

It’s important for us to find out how many outsiders are in play as soon as possible, because that impacts which demon type might be the demon in play, and each type of demon impacts the information in-game in distinctly different ways, and solving which demon is the demon in-game is in the end the key to solving the game as a whole, at least here in Sects & Violets.

if you’ve had your class forcibly changed by a Pit Hag, please claim as such.
If you were made mad by a Cerenovous day 1 but are no longer mad, please also claim as such.
If you are forcibly thunderdomed with a Doppelgänger, please also claim as such, obviously. although im pretty sure this would have already happened day 1 if it was in-play.

feel free to request a whisper with me if you’d like to claim as such privately or want to provide cover for others who may be claiming things privately.

unless you’re the klutz, you lose nothing by claiming and we gain a lot, so please