(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Marshal why

like do yall not remember me going on about savant cover?

/whisper Marshal

actually he did di it

I’m not fucking mad, oh my god

Now, I know tan enjoys fucking with people because i’ve been forcerolled as Lunatic before, but seriously man


yeah, i know that now.
your just a liar.
i said that if you were mad thats what you should do

/whisper marshal when you get a moment.
is relevant

what simon is saying is that if you’re an insignificant character like a character that ONLY wakes on the first night you should just come out
but i disagree because we can’t afford to lose a second day to a forced exe or we are FUHKD

/acc simon

/whisper universal again(just acc this and we can cont out conversation @Universal)

Simon is not the savant
Oh my god
I know I suck at thunderdomes but are you all really this inept


In any case, we need to kill nuclear now

/ACCEPT Marshal’s whisper

Don’t worry, thunderdomes aren’t something you’re just naturally good at

Unless your name is Italy and you somehow by the will of god himself manage to thunderdome the Demon in every single game, through social interaction, and always win said thunderdomes

ok ok. my d1 info is that the snake charmer picked an outsider, or that one of my neighbors was targeted by a minion.

d2 info is that the pit hag targeted themselves, or that both of my neighbors are good.

currently asking whether these refer to the night before the information is given specifically, or previous nights in general

meh, we got time.

and even so, no such thing as hammer here :upside_down_face:

how would they be inept? because they dont just innately believe you?

what have you done to argue your side?

I’m not mad, but it’s seriously possible that Simon is, and that he’s a class that very desparately doesn’t want to die, just saying
I am the one and only real savant, but I’m just trying to empathize him.

like im not saying they should believe me, i gave my argument against you and they can take it or leave it, but what have you done?