(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

nah if i were mad i would claim savant but not push you and just feign inactivity, and then claim as such to marshal in whispers

Isn’t marshal the one who got evo nuked to his own inexperience

yeah but its not like he would do that again, he just didnt know the first time


which means i’ve learned my lesson


you trying to say something?

im trying to say im not that dumb

and still stand by the fact that without the knowledge that doing that would kill evo, my logic made sense

this is a tone that says “i am accusing/reminding you of (event)” just saying

I disagree

anyways @N.1 i have some good-ish proof for why im not mad, in that i have pre-planned measures for my mad-ness to not have too big of an effect as well as having a method to get the word out.
what exactly have you done in convincing people? repeat your point over and over uselessly?

on that i didn’t know?

or that i wouldn’t do it again

i’d like to say it’s a bit obvious that n.1 is mad but won’t explain why on the grounds that “please don’t fucking kill him tan”

see now ur being risky and shit

like u saw in plain sight what happened

and now ur being bad boy and doing this

tho it can be said in whispers correct?

/whisper italy

/whisper italy


the storyteller can’t know he claimed
since ST isn’t actually meant to be able to eavesdrop, you can consider them as not listening, they’re just there to enforce rules and shit

wait lol we’re neighbors

a whisper is worth 0.25 of a word
because it’s really quiet

and the funny thing about this is that its kinda a fool-proof plan.
ive gone radio silent for a day before, and i cant say that i wont do it again.
lies are best based in truth, after all