(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

/Vote No on @Universal
/Vote Yes on @Italy
/Vote No on @Nuclear_Rehab
/Vote No on @Vulgard
/Vote No on @Apprentice

and this doesn’t seem like the… evilist thing an evil beggar could do.

like… rallying people to vote? not that malicious anyways

maybe falsely thinking vortox could be bad, but i feel like he would be outted eventually if that was the case

CFD to italy please
To prevent our loss
2 votes on italy now

if vortox is a thing

then my whole gameplan might have been really dumb

i have reasons to think italy is town here

but with vortox i gott think

gimme a sec

Am I okay with sheeping N?

Unless Apprentice is evil and lying, Vortox is now modconfirmed.

Eh, screw it.

/kill Italy? Is that how it works?

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Vortox guarantees that all information given is false

nah its not mech

from me

at least

tell me do any of y’all think simon has demon equity?

we can’t vote for simon today
stop wasting time thinking about people we can’t vote for

no it is relevant to italy’s alignment

i think

i have no clue
Personally, I still trust him and think he’s mad today.

i mean from your PoV can he even be demon?

like he’s minion who fucked up safeclaims or mad

or savant actually

from any perspective

so no i dont think he is demon

so i think italy is town actually

Vortox is modconfirmed unless Magnus was Sweetheart and ST chose to drunk me. but lol no

no, he can’t be demon IMO
the demon gets three fake claims that aren’t in the game that are guaranteed to be legit
If he was actually demon, he wouldn’t be this stupid such as to reject all of those and fake claim something that someone else (I.E. me) actually has

one of NRehab and dat have to be scum right?

I still think that wagon is best

but i can’t vote either

/vote yes on Italy