(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

oh he did, ty

already has

italy is at 4

im holding back my qualms at wanting him gone because i have much bigger qualms about not voting anyone lul

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lynch that country

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I feel like im the tinker

cuz i just suddenly died inside

we’re all about to suddenly die inside if these slankers don’t show up within 20 minutes
because of vortox

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im ever so slightly interested in what the flavor for that is

but much more slightly interested in… not losing d2 because of slank

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Okay, people seriously need to ping a host when they vote, because apparently there’s a different vote count among the players than what I have.

Two votes on Universal, not enough to execute.

Three votes on Italy, not enough to execute.

Two votes on Nuclear, not enough to execute.

Three votes on Vulgard, not enough to execute.

Three votes to exile the Beggar, not enough to exile (seven required).

Six votes are required for a nomination to end in execution.

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fuck it

@Vulgard if ur still awake selfvote IMO

its importat

we have under half an hour left

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we have 20 minutes left

even more important then

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If you’re online and you’re concerned that I’ve misregistered your vote, please message me in your character DM and clarify where you registered your votes so that I can go back and reference. I’m not just gonna take your word for it, considering that some of you have your votes locked by now.

i CANNOT lose this way

i know that the slank isn’t my fault

but the mis-vote 100% is and could be the difference between w and l

we have exactly 15 minutes left

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if any of you nerds exist


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vote vulgard now @Shurian

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vote italy too

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Not enough info

/vote all for execution… and beggar for exiliation

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not awful

you need to vote yourself or it’s extremely likely town loses the game instantly

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What even is Vulgard?