(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I mean
Could have listed the amount of outsider claims

YEET!!! gg




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ur joking

this post was made before EoD


please be true

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Apologies for the delay, I was walking back to my dorm


Tangeld tapped her foot impatiently as the sun came ever closer to touching the horizon. “Are we gonna get votes or not, people?”

The townsfolk panicked as they tried desperately to agree on one person to lynch.

“Come on, I went to all the work of converting the town pillory into a guillotine, and you’re telling me we’re not even gonna get to use it?” Tan sighed. “You people are no fu-“

N shoved his way through the crowd. “You want blood, you psychotic specter? Fine, take it!” He yanked the top half of the pillory down over his neck, then kicked the lever that Tan had rigged to release the blade.

CLUNK The heavy blade, released from suspension, dropped directly into N’s neck… and stopped short. The townsfolk held a collective breath as the sun touched the horizon.

“Um… Sorry, folks, but it looks like my ramshackle guillotine needed more test runs. No executions today. Come on, N, let’s get you out of there.” Tan pried open the pillory, but N did not move.

“What in blazes? Come on, N, get up. It’s time for bed!” Tan grabbed N’s arm and pulled him backwards, and N slumped to the ground, his eyes blank.

Arete’s eyes widened. “Tan… I think he died of shock.”

Tan blinked. “…You know what, good enough for me. That’ll do it for today, folks. Head on back to your homes.”

N has been executed, and night falls. Please send in your N3 actions if you have any.

Flavor by Tan.

The third night will end no later than 2020-03-09T01:02:00Z and may end earlier if all actions have been submitted.


Looking for a replacement, please message both me and Tangeld if you’re interested.

A rooster crowed as the sun rose once again on Ravenswood Bluff. Tangeld yawned, stretched her arms, and pushed the window open to smell the fresh morning air. It was all so peaceful; the sun just peeking over the treetops, the chirping of birds, the gentle sounds of the waves on the bluffs, the dew on the grass just outside of the fields. That scarecrow looks a little weird, though.

Wait… That’s not a scarecrow. That’s Insanity’s mutilated corpse. “Oh yeah, that’s right. Demon running around, we’re all gonna die…” Tan sighed. Never a moment of peace in this town…

Insanity has died in the night. Day 3 has begun, and nominations will open in twelve hours, at 2020-03-09T13:10:00Z.

Flavor by Tan :orange_heart:
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I’m modconfirmed good and am still the savant

Trueclaim to me and ONLY me via whisper today
Or die


The vanity of the church has corrupted you, my friend.
I banish you back to The Vatican from whence you came!

/Nominate DatBird for Exile!

This is not a threat to be ignored, by the way.
I extend an offer of whisper to everyone now.

@DatBird the Bishop has been nominated for exile!

The exile is considered separate from any nomination today. Any player (even the dead) may vote for or against the exile, and any dead players who vote for the exile do not spend their ghost vote by doing so.

With fourteen total players in the game, seven votes to exile are required to exile the Bishop. The exile vote shall remain open until the end of the game day or until the vote has passed.