(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

the burden of proof is not on me, though.

its on you

Does it, though?
Because I can prove it to myself in my mind, and so I have no need to prove it to anyone else. For I know myself, and that is all that is needed.

the general basis of someone proposing a whisper, unless they have otherwise proof, is that they expect the other person to accept

thats a logical fallacy. i dont know which one, but it is one. it serves as 0 total value for anyone besides yourself, including when convincing people whether or not you predicted me.
its circular logic, basically

That is how I outclassed you. I hoped you would accept, but had resigned myself to where you didn’t. So, in a way, I had prepared for both outcomes. A Xanatos Gambit.

You have made a mistake, like I had. Even, as I said.

i know bad logic when i see it. and what you’ve shown is a logical fallacy.

Like you have.

/whisper directorhail

/whisper evo

@DirectorHail @EVO

I feel like I have to solve these slots

…You’re not alone, folks, I’m also utterly lost on what they’re on about.


I’ve already solved them.

lack of knowledge on the names of logical fallacies, sure.
but that does not detract from the meat of my point, that you have shown a logical fallacy yourself, and where your fallacy breaks the meat of your point

I don’t trust you enough

I’m gonna do some solving myself

I don’t trust you.
You broke a contract.

I could say the same about you.

I told you I might not claim to you

especially since you have whispered 2 others

you could yes.

however i have demonstrated your fallacy and you have yet to properly do that for me

They’re my neighbours, and I told them my class as well.
Would a scum do that?

Because I have no need to.
Everyone around you already knows the truth.

if you intend to prove anything, yes you do.

that is literally how logic works