(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

N.1 is confirmed because if he didn’t break madness evil would have instantly won lol

oh aight didn’t know he played ToL

but it doesn’t matter unless he has a reaaaaaaal good explanation
cuz he bad boyo

I recommend you read up on how bad the last game was lmao.

I was always caught up with that game

Hail whispered you and Simon this game

nah but when i came up with the test

which was yesterday i told uni something about it

and today i told n and geyde i think

They do?

What was the reaction test?

i claimed outsider to him to see if he was klutz(cuz i thought he could be) and CC me

then when nothing happened

i told him i was snake charmer who knew he wasn’t scum and wanted to work with him

Wording is pretty specific here. Unless it says “you may pick a player” you must carry out your night action. If the Snake Charmer wants to do “nothing” they must pick themself

Also if Hail is Demon who received that Snake Charmer is not in play that makes plenty of sense.

Unless he either knew that it was coming or was mega smort i don’t see how he did this

imma look at his neighbors

Possibly mods interpreted no action as self choose?

i can ask them what they’d interperet it as

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what are you guys on about, they don’t need to do that at all.

Seems like a good idea

This is possible maybe but I doubt it? We could ask a clarifying question. But the fact that Hail just vanished when I mentioned it makes me think this is unlikely.

Snake Charmer doesn’t need to choose each night.
They just need to make a decision towards the end of the game when to switch.

I swap with god

have you modconfirmed this? No.
Apprentice has played this game far more than most of us.