(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

say really?



get fucked


but seriously
this is the one thing that could actually piss me off more than anything else you could do

/vote no on me and marshal
/vote yes on everyone else

Well then continue be pissed off.
None of the towncore could give less of a damn.
You have no right to a fair trial.
I overthrew the town’s previous government and enacted sharia law today.

What I say, goes.
I died for everyone’s sins here.
And now y’all motherfuckers are going to pay.

do you know that feeling of impossibility?
that frustration that you know you can’t get something done?
i am EXTREMELY persistent, so if i find something that i am literally incapable of doing, “unhappy” is very much an understatement

sorry bud i broke whisper

/whisper @Universal


/vote yes on Italy @Tangeld @Arete

1 Like

/vote no on everyone else

I swear there are too many things that can break whispered /whisper Marshal



The current state of nominations is as follows:

Three votes against Hail, not enough to execute.

Five votes againt Italy, enough to execute.

Zero votes against Marshal, not enough to execute.

One vote against Wazza, not enough to execute.

With nine players alive, a minimum of five votes is required for an execution. At present, Italy will be the day’s execution.

What the hell


What are these whispers with a member of the PoE
You better have a fucking good explanation
/whisper @Marshal



vote nerds

still tie-snipe-able with italy and dat both having votes still(i think)

we cannot allow this to happen