(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

i mean y’all are neighbors anyway :man_shrugging:

also why in BoTC

do i never whisper with my neighbors

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whisper DirectorHail
Vibe check

@Shurian we also need your updated claim ASAP; please whisper Geyde or me.

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@Wazza do NOT publicly reveal anything.
Just whisper Geyde or me as soon as you see this.

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/whisper Marshal

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@Marshal accept geyde’s above request. it’s important.


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(um are you here @Geyde)

/whisper geyde

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you do have the ability to make the PM marshal
but you just broke whisper so now you have to wait again


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/Whisper N.1

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/accept @DirectorHail


@Apprentice also you cannot nominate today. If you were witched, there’s a world in which we helplessly lose to witch in final 4
Nom tomorrow though.

by which i mean if we don’t win today, nominate a corpse tomorrow so witch becomes nullified in F3 if they are alive then.

obligatory “it doesn’t matter if witch is nullified if their ability has already gone off on the same day”

i was using a line of reasoning that i am content with here but find it impossible to explain sensibly

hold on who’s alive i lost count

marshal, wazza, hail, shurian, universal, and vulgard + apprentice

6…plus 1 traveler…
execution = 5 + nightkill that’s 4
if apprentice dies we’re down to f4
no no, your logic makes sense
honestly i’m too tired to be angry right now