(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

im going to wait to try to read socially until Geyde is around.

social reads must be combined with mechanical information that Geyde and I have in order to try desperately to solve the game.

Neither on their own is enough.

There’s a good chance that both put together won’t be enough, either.
But regardless, we have to try.

Do you think there are any other villagers who are trying at all?
And do you think we can win this with ghost votes?

Ghost votes are always good for town but they’re never the deciding factor really.
Ultimately, you have to solve.

Geyde and Marshal, absolutely.

Can you make a tiny readlist for the people left alive or something? I have no idea if my tiny PoE is correct in any way.

We’re going to wait on that until later today for reasons I will keep private for now.
Apologies for now.

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Although we are reasonably certain that Italy was evil and is now dead, and is the only dead evil resident @Vulgard although DatBird is a dead evil traveler.

Do you think that gives us any associations? The problem with Italy is that as a wolf, they barely interact with their buddies iirc.

DatBird started the game knowing who the Demon is but Geyde was not able to find anything helpful in that regard. Dat is very good at hiding his associations.
Things might be the same for Italy; i’m not sure. Geyde has not fully reviewed his ISO yet like he has Dat’s.

i’ll have you know i would’ve lost my first ever game of BotC if it wasn’t for the ghost army


scum had majority and we were in final 4

again, Meh.

3 scum were alive and we were kinda fucked even though i was mayor because they had a poisoner
but through underhanded political tactics my very convincing speech skills, we managed to execute exactly the demon

imo it’s much more reliable to either win before F3 or have 2 good alive in F3.

1 good alive can work but is questionable

arete and tan were there too
