(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I see a like on my message was that a laugh?

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Me, send me to double hell

Giveth thine token

also I feel really bad about how you got eliminated from the game I hope you still enjoyed it

I enjoyed it til bs happened after day ended and it counted. Cause I played in a way that would out me if nothing happened

It was a risk that I have to live with. Overall setup is fun. Dont know if I would do traveler again

I wasn’t watching the time exactly so I don’t know precisely how it went down. I feel like the game would’ve really flopped for everyone if Vortox one due to inactivity but instead it kind of just flopped for you :frowning:

Yeah essentially it was a conumdrum of does Day end at the time stated or the minute after it. Host interpretted different way than I would, but alls fun in love and war. Little salty (more like salty as hell). But nothing much i could do. Maybe except not post last second, and it wouldnt have outed me

Anyway hand it over

Anyway nom me

I live dangerously not idiotically

Dude what can go wrong, u already said yall have the numbers. I just want to go to double hell

I can die to Witch and then I can’t assert dominance by living for the whole game.

/whisper @N.1

witch almost certainly targeted you last night @Apprentice do not nominate

/accept @Apprentice

whats a witch do?

oh shit thats fucked, wait could they have used that on Tan, that would have been funny

/whisper @Geyde