(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

unfortunately, this town operates under a sharia law court system
Which means if we think you’re bad, you have absolutely no right to learn what evidence we have against you.

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our lord and dick-tater N and his advisors rule all

and im a loyal follower because i likely join his council post-mortem

Time to take off the kiddie gloves.

Guess I can’t slack this game.

I know for a fact that N.1 is good, it just sucks that some town will be manipulated by a random bad apple in the towncore.

I am not going to be lynched by this court system if it means town loses the game.

From where I see it, it’s evil’s chance to win the game by lynching + killing. I wont say otherwise, but there is a way for Apprentice to be eliminated by dead evils. We instantly lose the next night if we misvote.

In fact, I know that I must have malfunctioned last night. Or I could have been malfunctioning every night.

Vortox game? No Daishii? When and where did we assume that it is a Vortox game?

In this town, @Apprentice is God.
What he says goes.
And he says that in the thunderdome between Universal and you, you’re the baddie.

/vote execute shurian

/vote no on universal

@Tangeld @Arete

dont lock in ur vote
stuff can change
unvote now just in case
we have 24 hours.


/unvote all

Then I will ask Apprentice himself.

Apprentice. How do you come to the conclusion that I am evil?

I do not understand.

I’ll out everything I’ve to offer here. Not like I haven’t outed, but I’ve got nothing to lose.

Oracle: (Checks every night how many dead players are evil)

N2: 1 dead player is evil
N3: 1 dead player is evil
N4: 0 dead players are evil (???)

I have a total of 4 claims, in which I have 2 Outsider claims and I am convinced that it is not a Fang Gu game, unless I am the Fabled.

It’s all fun and games, until you are manipulated by false information. I will not stand by this secrecy, as there is some kind of trickery amidst if I were to be “mechanically confirmed evil”.

@Apprentice Please state your reasoning to me why I must be evil over the 2. And if so, suggest an alternative that I must be.

@Geyde is a demigod
And i am a fallen prophet

why out there?

what the fuck

@Marshal is a devout priest, who may or may not turn out to be corrupted; we shall see

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I have outed before. Not like any evils missed my outing the last day.

I will not come and get lynched on a day that evils may potentially win the game.

it’s impossible for evil to win the game today if you get executed today

How do you know?
That’s the issue I have

I don’t know a single thing that is going on and I’m having my head plated to the demons or something

Hey, I can live with at least a small, small reason like “You’re lying about your info of “???” That contradicted with something”

But having 0 ways to move about is something else. It’s as if I can’t defend against it, and as a townsfolk, this is ridiculously frustrating.

the game cannot end today unless no one is executed or the demon is executed.

Have you heard of the dead being able to nominate travellers for exilation too as their vote?

I assure you none of the dead will be voting today.

They would only need 3 votes for the exile the next day.

Travelers do not count towards the endgame condition

When they have majority, it will come down to the last person to vote up the correct person

In which we are screwed

What does this mean tho

@Tangeld please explain